Agreement From All In The Group

For groups that collaborate over a long period of time, it may be worth taking a little longer time to develop a longer-term group agreement. You can use a process like the following. While it`s sometimes a bit frustrating to take so much time for a group chord, you`ll save that time later. As a result, your event will be much smoother. Keep the agreement for future meetings or workshops with the same group, but record them each time to make sure everyone is always happy with it. You can, for example, add something to the agreement. If you`ve agreed on your group agreement, make sure it`s visible to everyone – ideally, have it written on a whiteboard, flipchart paper, or overhead projector. Making these decisions as a group is much more powerful than when a moderator sets “rules” that everyone must follow. In addition, it is much more likely that people will respect and implement an agreement to which they have contributed. It`s going to make your job as a moderator a lot easier. In case of problems or conflicts, you can use this agreement (for example.B. we all agreed at the beginning that it is better for only one person to speak at the same time…). There are many ways to establish group agreements.

When making the decision you want to use, you need to consider whether the group will collaborate in the longer term, how controversial the topic of the meeting or workshop is, how much time you have, and how much trust the group has in you as a moderator. Other opportunities to reach group agreements may be better suited to shorter meetings or workshops or to groups that do not deal with emotional or controversial topics.