Ccsy Agreement

In accordance with CW 001-18, Companies provide financial assistance under a CCSY agreement under the following terms: When a young person no longer receives assistance under the 1997 Ontario Employment Assistance Program Act or the 1997 Ontario Labour Act, a new CCS agreement should be developed to reflect this amendment. For the granting of youth assistance for a period not exceeding 12 (12) months from – If a young person has previously terminated a contract or cancelled a previous contract, he may enter into a new contract with the association, provided that the young person is still entitled to assistance from the CCSY. This agreement, ___________20______ZWISCHEN _____Jugend (`Youth` and `name of Children`s Aid` or Indigenous Society (`society`), this directive applies to societies that enter into ccSY agreements with 18-year-olds during the pandemic. Associations have an obligation to continue to provide young people, before their 18th birthday, with the same supports and services they have received. This requirement will be maintained until this directive is repealed by the Minister. This contract can be terminated by young people if they are terminated by the association. The association will continue to provide the same support to young people for a period of three months from the date the written communication was received by the association. Former Extended Society Care, aged 18 to 21, who have maintained their status as an extended social caregiver until the 18th birthday, can apply to their parenting society for assistance from the CCSY. Bill 210`s Law also allowed youth who receive legal custody and regular care agreements to receive CCSY assistance even at the age of 18. This program helps our youth care for them by completing high school/post-secondary education, vocational training, modernization, lifekill programming, clinical interventions, etc. If a young person`s guardian no longer receives a targeted grant or financial support through school policy, a new CCSY convention should be developed to reflect this change.

Independent housing is a program designed to help young people in nursing become generally more independent at the age of 16 or 17. To go to Independent Living, you and your employee must establish a plan for your independence and sign an agreement. When young people reach their 18th birthday, while they are the subject of an extended social care order or a regular care contract or are a party to a Voluntary Youth Assistance Agreement (VYSA), they can enter into a Follow-up and Continuing Assistance Agreement (YSC) with a company. ELEMENT FINANCIAL YOUTH CAPITAL PROGRAM Element Financial Youth Capital Program provides existing and former crown stations with a variety of education and employment supports that help young people succeed in their careers. For information on the above benefits and eligibility, please contact your employee at (416) 924-4646 Young People who have received care, aged 18 to 20, are entitled to financial assistance of $850 per month.